History wars the enola gay summary

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Consuming history: historians and heritage in contemporary culture. Sign of an exacerbated presentism, which transforms the time before now into a type of ‘slave’ of its own necessities, or the symptom of the global collapse of futuristic and/or utopians projects, the fact is that, to cite Geoff Eley (2011 DE GROOT, Jerome. Santiago de Chile: Universidad Finis Terrae, 2014.). One of the principal characteristics of Western societies in our time is a certain fixation with the past, symbolized, amongst other things, by its mercantilization, with its remains almost obsessively being made into heritage, various ‘retro’ fashions, and the chique nostalgia of some ( De Groot, 2009 DE GROOT, Jerome. That’s one of the central problems of history, isn’t it, sir? the fact that we need to know the history of the historian in order to understand the version that’s being put in front of us.

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