Colton underwood gay twitter

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The website described the show as “an unscripted series with multiple episodes… focusing on Underwood living his life publicly as a gay man.” Variety broke the news on Wednesday that Colton– who said on ‘Good Morning America’ that he’s known he was gay since he was a freshman in high school- is already filming his new show. Others brought up the fact that Colton’s ex-girlfriend from the show, Cassie Randolph, filed for and was granted a restraining order against Colton last year, after she claimed he was stalking her and had placed a tracking device on her car.

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On Twitter, some fans accused Colton of trying to monetize “his truth.”

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While the former Bachelor star received plenty of support from his fans, his exes and other members of Bachelor Nation, the news of his new gig didn’t sit well with many people. Colton Underwood came out on Wednesday during an appearance on Good Morning America and, within hours, it was announced that the former Bachelor star had already signed on to star in a Netflix reality show about his life as a gay man.

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